Winter Olympics 2018

The Winter Olympics is an international multi-sport event that took place this year in Pyeongchang, South Korea. This year, the Winter Olympics lasted for about two weeks. During this time, athletes from around the world competed for the chance to win a gold, silver, or bronze medal. At the 2018 Winter Olympics, Norway was the country that won the most medals. My favorite Olympic sport to watch is figure skating. I enjoyed watching the Olympic athletes perform their routines and receive a score. The other two Winter Olympic sports I enjoyed watching were snowboarding and speed skating. The next Winter Olympics will occur in Beijing, China during the year 2022. 

1. International- involves two or more nations
2. Athlete- a person who does a sport
3. Compete- to try to get or win something 
4. Chance- a possibility of something happening
5. Medal- something that is earned as a reward 
6. Enjoy- to like
7. Perform- an action that is done usually in front of other people 
8. Receive- to be given something 
9. Occur- to happen or take place
10. During- throughout a period of time 

Vocabulary Exercise: 
Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word.
1. I ___________ watching the Winter Olympics with my family and friends. 
2. The figure skater ___________ a beautiful routine.  
3. This year, the Winter Olympics ___________ in South Korea. 
4. The Olympic athlete won a gold __________. 
5. There were many ___________ who competed in the Winter Olympics. 

Grammar Point: 
The passage above focuses on the past tense since it discusses an event that already occurred. It included past tense verbs such as 'competed,' 'lasted,' and 'enjoyed' to demonstrate past tense. 

Grammar Exercise:  
Write four sentences that include past tense verbs.  


  1. Elena,

    I really liked this blog post as well, since I also enjoyed watching the Winter Olympics with my family! The vocabulary words that you provided us with are important for students to learn and use in their daily vocabularies. I also think that your grammar point and exercise assist in students' understanding of how to properly use the past tense. The grammar exercise will help students be independent in their writing and truly understand the concept.

  2. Fine blog post! I also enjoyed watching the Olympics. Good exercises and grammar point!


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